The questions we must first ask in relation to our question:
What distinction does the bible make regarding judgement?
If all forms of judgement are immoral, does that make God immoral?
When would it be right for us to judge someone?
The most commonly quoted verse on judging one another comes from the beginning verses of Matthew 7, where Jesus Himself states:
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way that you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you
These verses are commonly misrepresented as Jesus telling us to never judge, when in fact, a closer analysis will reveal that He teaches us to not judge hypocritically or for condemnation's sake.
God, being completely good, can morally condemn those who do wrong, as there is no hypocrisy in His condemnation. For all of us living in sin, Jesus is instructing us to judge without hypocrisy, with the intention of helping our fellow brothers and sisters out of a sin that may be holding them captive.
The distinction made in the passage is a subtle but important one to understand. We are instructed to help one another in the areas where we can and not instead adopt the role of God, who is a judge over everyone for everything. This is because we have all fallen short of God's standard in some way or another, making it immoral for us to assume the role of judge.