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Image by Jeremy Bishop

Why do we not see miracles today?

Luke Sweeney

The questions we must first ask in relation to our question:

  1. Why do we not see miracles today like the ones recorded in the Bible?

  2. Do miracles even still occur?

  3. Is it plausible that God may know more than we know in regards of what’s best to do?

When reading through the books of the Bible, one may read of the amazing number of miracles that occur and conclude that if God were truly present today, we would be able to see similar miracles for ourselves. We must understand, however, when and why these occurred

Contrary to assumptions, throughout the whole Bible, most of the miracles occur in three main periods:

During the Exodus and conquest of Canaan; during the ministry of Elijah and Elisha, the prophets; and throughout the ministry of Jesus.

Outside of these periods, massive gaps in history are left where few, if any, miracles are recorded.

We can also see that the miracles surrounding these times are primarily focused on acting out God’s plan—to bring Israel to the promised land and to redeem humanity by bringing about a saviour.

Today, we seem to see less of this grandiose style of miracle, perhaps because God has successfully fulfilled His promise of providing us with a saviour. This is not to say, however, that such miracles are not possible or present today—many Christians will testify of incredible occurrences that they have seen in their personal lives that are too improbable to have happened by pure chance.


The Bible gives us the accounts of many grand and fantastical miracles that are used to fulfil God’s promise and plan, yet the Bible also documents long periods of time where God appeared to be distant from His people. Our current times are not void of miracles, however, as Christian testimony seems to prove that divine intervention on a personal scale is still occurring. We can be confident, then, that God is still as present as He has always been and working in the same ways He has always worked.

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