The Arguments for God
By Chaos or Design?
Accrued over centuries of intellectual reasoning and philosophical debate, the arguments for the existence of a god find their root in one of the most fundamental questions one could ask: are we here by chance or by the decree of a higher power?
The arguments for God seek to dispute the claim that life arrived out of chaos by attesting to the observed order and design of our world. Whilst the arguments themselves cannot determine which religion is 'true',
they nevertheless provide evidence and reasoning for a rational belief in a theistic worldview rather than an atheistic one.
Included below are the four main reasonings for God's existence, summarised into short, two-minute articles outlining the core of each argument. Though not exhaustive or immune to scrutiny, each one serves to introduce key principles of reasoning, eliciting God's existence from their known truths.

The Big Four
By Chaos or Design?
Accrued over centuries of intellectual reasoning and philosophical debate, the arguments for the existence of a god find their root in one of the most fundamental questions one could ask: are we here by chance or by the decree of a higher power?
The arguments for God seek to dispute the claim that life arrived out of chaos by attesting to the observed order and design of our world. Whilst the arguments themselves cannot determine which religion is 'true', they nevertheless provide evidence and reasoning for a rational belief in a theistic worldview rather than an atheistic one.
Included below are the four main reasonings for God's existence, summarised into short, two-minute articles outlining the core of each argument. Though not exhaustive or immune to scrutiny, each one serves to introduce key principles of reasoning, eliciting God's existence from their known truths.