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Image by Jeremy Bishop

Are the miracles in the Bible Unrealistic?

Luke Sweeney

The questions we must first ask in relation to our question:

  1. If there’s concrete evidence for the greatest miracle occurring, can all the others not at least be true?

  2. If God is truly God, could He not overpower natural law?

  3. If God is logical, how can miracles that are seemingly ‘illogical’ occur?

Throughout the Bible, numerous supernatural events occur, which Christians refer to as miracles, a divine display of natural law being broken to accomplish God’s will.


Sceptics argue that the miracles that are said to have occurred are too outlandish and fantastical for them to be anything more than stories or fairy tales. On the surface, this appears to be a very valid claim, as the Bible tells of stories in which a man lives inside a large fish, the dead rise, and the red sea is parted. All of this is impossible unless the natural law is broken or suspended.

God, being God, however, has the ability to breach such laws as a result of His all-powerful nature, in which He can bring about anything that is in accordance with His nature and will.

For someone who doubts that there is enough evidence for these miracles to occur, we needn’t look further than the first verse of the entire Bible:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth

If this verse is true—that God did indeed create everything from nothing—then all other miracles recorded in the Bible, as fantastical as some may be, are at least possible.

Another objection to miracles is that if God is logical by nature, how then can He perform the illogical? For this argument, we must distinguish between what is supernatural and illogical. I believe the distinction is in whether the integrity of the components is compromised or not.

For example, God could perform a fantastical event such as turning water into wine, and both water and wine would still be definable as water and wine after the miracle occurred. God cannot make 1 + 1 = 3, however, as it is an illogical request. If it were to be true, then 1 could no longer be defined as "singular", compromising its definition.


The many miracles of the Bible do seem unrealistic and fantastical, but that is, by definition, what a miracle is. There is strong scientific evidence, as well as philosophical conclusions, that the Genesis 1:1 creation story is true, making all other, less fantastical miracles plausible.

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