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Culturally Conflicted

With the modern narrative boasting both science and subjective morality as their guiding, unchallengeable, and irrefutable beacons, one must stop to consider how much of the modern rhetoric is factual and how much is purely opinion.


Beyond Belief aims to add a little disruption and chaos to what society so ironically perceives as 'gospel'. Diving deeper into the bigger contentions many have with Christianity, the articles below establish key counter

arguments for the faith, building evidence and reason from a selection of well-attested literature.


Tackling topics such as evolutionary theory, the historicity of Jesus, and the morality of God, each section illuminates evidence that is usually unseen. 


​Despite being condensed into brief, easy-to-read sections, the full literature used to build each case is available for purchase and reading via the links below.​​

Foggy Forest_edited.jpg

The Case for Christ

Church Windows

A Moral Monster?

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